February 27, 2015

How is MAF serving in Papua?

A question that we are regularly asked is how MAF is specifically serving the Papuan people. MAF has been working in Papua for 60 years and has continued to meet the evolving needs of that isolated region of the world.

We fly into 150 locations from 5 bases. There are three C's that we focus on and funnel all of the flight requests through. They are Connecting, Caring, and Cultivating.

CONNECTING-We partner with over 600 organizations including local pastors and other missionaries. By flying into these remote villages on a regular basis we are also able to build relationships with the villagers.

This is a brand new airstrip in the village of Mokndoma. The local people worked very hard for two years to clear out jungle and level the ground for this airstrip to be opened up. There are two missionary families that have been living with this tribe for 9 years to share the gospel and disciple them.

This is one example of how we are able to connect with and serve other missionaries. With this new airstrip we can offer easier access to food, medicine, and building materials as well as help with medical evacuation needs. The villagers are also very excited to share the love of Jesus with their neighboring tribes and the airplane will help them do that.

CARING-Medical evacuations are a big part of how we serve in Papua. By meeting the physical needs of the people we are also provided with an opportunity to share with them the love of Christ. HIV/AIDS rates are 12 times the national average, and infant mortality rate is currently 18%. Even just day to day life can be dangerous in the jungle with infection, injuries, and childbirth.

CULTIVATING-MAF is committed to intentionally investing in peoples lives. Whether this is through discipling new believers, encouraging the local pastors, or training the national people in maintenance and administrative skills.

We are so excited to be a part of what MAF is doing in Papua!

If you would like to watch a short video on the new airstrip that was opened up in Mokndoma follow this link! Mokndoma airstrip

February 17, 2015

Treasuring the Word

The past couple weeks at our church we have been looking at the importance of Gods Word in our lives. I have been challenged by the teaching, as well as, a recent MAF video of a Papuan community celebrating Gods word in their own language for the first time.  Of the 250+ languages in Papua, this is only the 3rd full Bible translation.  Here were some of my thoughts regarding how we should treasure the word of God.

 Deuteronomy 6:4-7 calls us to constantly engage in Gods Word by ourselves and with others. "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command to you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise." 

Gods word is intended to bring change to our lives, and an increased fruitfulness as we pursue a relationship with God through his word.  I love the picture in Psalms 1:2-3 "but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers." 

Do we really treasure Gods Word as the Psalmist describes here as delighting in the law of the Lord? I know I fall short in this so many times, and it is my prayer to have the words jump off the page and into my heart and not just my head.

 It is also so easy to take the Bible for granted with the variety of translations and resources at our fingertips, but I was reminded of how so many people around the world do not have the Bible in their own language.

Recently MAF was able to fly in Bibles to the Hupla tribe in Papua who had never had the whole Bible before in their own language. The New Testament was completed in 1994, but it took more than 20 years for the Old Testament to be completed to make up the full Bible. Below is the video link if you would like to take a few minutes to watch the celebration that took place in this village, and see the peoples excitement and emotion. It is so awesome to see the transforming work of the Gospel in this community!


February Newsletter Update

Here is our latest newsletter update. If you would like to receive our newsletter updates by mail or email please contact us at cwhite@maf.org. Also, current and past newsletters are available for viewing on our webpage www.maf.org/cwhite